What is E-MAX Porcelain Laminate?
It is one of the best aesthetic treatment methods that can be applied in case your tooth shape is not the way you want, the color tone is yellow, and your smile is below your aesthetic expectations. It is a method where you can achieve perfect results with the color tone you want and the aesthetic appearance you imagine with small touches that do not harm your teeth.
How long does E-MAX Porcelain Laminates last?
As long as you pay the necessary attention to dental care for your dental health and do not have any traumatic accidents and do not bite extremely hard and crusted foods, you can use it for many years.
Why should I have E-MAX Porcelain Laminate?
If you have aesthetic problems in your teeth, abrasion, erosion, atrition due to age and use, curvature of your teeth, devitalized teeth, that is, teeth that have lost their vitality and started to darken, if you want to have a perfect natural and aesthetic smile, you can have a natural and highly aesthetic smile by having E-MAX Porcelain Laminate.