What is gum recession and why does it happen?
Gum recession is when the gum tissue moves below the enamel line and the root of the tooth is exposed more than it should be. This condition can be seen in all age groups. Some of the factors that cause gum recession are incorrect tooth brushing technique, brushing too much (more than 3 times a day), gum disorders and the use of hard toothbrushes.
How are gum recession and gum disease treated?
It should never be late in the treatment of gum recession. In the first place, hard dental deposits on the teeth are cleaned by the doctor using special tools. In simple inflammation of the gums, treatment itself will be sufficient. In more severe infections, periodontal surgical procedures using biomaterials (such as bone powder, membranes) are applied under local anesthesia to treat inflamed, enlarged or receding gums, cavities called ‘pockets’ formed between the tooth and gum due to bone resorption and bone resorption.
If treatment is delayed, it may be impossible to restore the gums to their former healthy state. In important cases that cause gum recession, for example if the tooth root is exposed and shows extreme sensitivity, pre-treatment steps are applied first. Then, if it is decided that it is necessary, soft tissue grafts are used in a surgical procedure. The treatment of gum recession takes place in 3 steps. 1) Treatment of the damage: It is applied by filling the problematic area in the gum or by completely covering the tooth. 2) Treatment of tooth sensitivity:3) Replacing the gum tissue in the receding area with surgical procedures: This is done by grafting and shifting. In the shifting process, if the area next to the recession is solid tissue, this solid tissue is shifted to the side of the recession and the recession is closed.